Many tools hanging on a shelf e-Commerce

Steffi Greuel 2 Minutes

IDS Interface: Link between Craftsmen ERP and Wholesale


What is IDS?

The Integrated Data Interface (IDS) provides craftsmen with a way to connect their own software systems with wholesale and manufacturer shop systems. The IDS interface facilitates easy and convenient exchange of products, prices, and shopping carts in e-commerce. The standardized interface was defined by ITEK GmbH in cooperation with the associations Bundesverband Bausoftware e.V. (BVBS) and Deutscher Großhandelsverband Haustechnik (DG-Haustechnik).

Advantages of IDS

  • Creation of orders and quotes from the craftsmen's ERP system.

  • Integration of the wholesaler's and manufacturer's online shop into the ERP system, eliminating the need for an additional login or switching to the browser.

  • Access to all shop functionalities, such as product information, search, filtering, pricing, and availability.

  • Enrichment of quotes or orders in the ERP system with products from the shop. The created shopping cart can be easily transferred and/or ordered directly from the ERP system with a mouse click.

  • When the customer accepts the craftsman's quote and places an order, the required items can be directly transferred from the ERP system to the shop system.

  • Elimination of the cumbersome process of switching between applications, writing down item positions, and transferring them to quotes and orders for craftsmen.

    Note: IDS even avoids this effort twice: once during the quote creation by writing down the item positions and later when entering the order with the wholesaler.

    Requirements for Using IDS in OXID Shop

    To establish a connection between the craftsmen's software system and the wholesaler through the IDS interface, certain requirements must be met. Firstly, the online shop must support IDS functionality and be connected to the open process directory service for electronic B2B processes "Open Connect." The same support must be available on the craftsmen's side. When using OXID eShop, an appropriate interface module is also required.

    The IDS Extension for OXID eShop by ESYON

    ESYON has developed an IDS extension for OXID eShop. We offer support and maintenance for it, continuously developing and updating it for adjustments in the OXID standard and/or IDS extensions. Want to schedule a consultation? Feel free to contact us without obligation!


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