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Scalable Cloud Hosting

OXID eShop in Azure Kubernetes - High-Performance Cloud

Do you want to quickly enter the market with your OXID webshop and pay only for the resources you actually consume? With ESYON, you host your e-commerce platform in the high-performance and scalable cloud of Microsoft Azure. Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) ensure optimal resource utilization.

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Azure website on a computer
More Security, More Sales

Resource-Efficient Hosting, Even During Peak Times

Is your system ready for sustainable growth? Peak traffic can overwhelm even a powerful system landscape. If this happens, you could miss out on valuable sales opportunities. To prevent this, we host your OXID store in the scalable and reliable Microsoft Azure cloud.

Cloud hosting offers numerous advantages. You no longer need to worry about maintaining and optimizing your dedicated server environment. Instead, you leverage a global network of servers that always provides just the right amount of resources you need. The orchestration software Kubernetes ensures highly efficient resource utilization, enabling you to launch an OXID platform at top speed.

State-of-the-Art Tech Stack

Azure Cloud with Kubernetes Features

Scaling and Flexibility

During peak loads, additional servers are automatically provisioned from the Azure Cloud. Scaling increases the automation level of your system landscape, minimizing potential sources of errors.

Stability and Fault Tolerance

Using AKS, your system is optimized with load balancing across multiple physical machines. Kubernetes autonomously manages your containers and restarts them as needed.


Media files such as product images are delivered via Microsoft Azure's integrated Content Delivery Network (CDN), reducing loading times.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) consolidates code changes centrally, benefiting projects involving multiple developers.

Blob Storage

Unstructured data like text and images are archived using Blob Storage, enabling global accessibility.

A/B Testing

Azure supports the deployment of different versions of your OXID shop, enhancing your understanding of customers and boosting conversions.

The next level for your business

All benefits at a glance


Scalable cloud hosting makes your system resilient to peak loads and sustainable for long-term growth.


Hosting in the high-performance Azure Cloud ensures significantly reduced loading times.

Global availability

Microsoft Azure's network spans over 140 countries, guaranteeing short server response times.

Cost optimization

You eliminate the maintenance of dedicated servers and only pay for the resources you consume.

Short time-to-market

Continuous Integration enables efficient development sprints and rapid deployment of your OXID platform.

Increased revenue

Better availability and reduced loading times lead to more sales and increased revenue.

Seamless integrations in action

Contact us

Discover the benefits of our products in our demo. Learn how our solutions seamlessly integrate into your existing infrastructure and help you streamline your processes. Sign up now and experience firsthand how we can assist you in optimizing and digitizing your business processes.

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